For 80 year-olds like I am and who are, as I was, ignorant of the term “nothing burger” let me fill you in! It originated in Hollywood and is used to describe something that has no truth, like a burger with the filling missing. So, should you think that Christianity is a nothing burger, I suggest that you consider the matter.
It is no use when you wake at night, or the thought comes unbidden to put it off for a more convenient time, or pour another glass of wine and pick up the latest novel. You might not be here – we live in perilous times. And when we are dead there are no second chances, the Bible is quite explicit about that. But you say, “I went to church a couple of times – to hear the organist- jolly good and the minister said “God is love”, and all are forgiven their sins. True, God is a God of love, but also a righteous God of wrath and those who sin will never be accepted by him unless they meet his conditions. “Oh you say, I don’t sin, I’m not a criminal, I give to charities, I’m a moral, family person!” So will millions plead on Judgment Day, when it will be too late and there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Christianity has at its core, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is an historical figure, who lived, was crucified and rose again after 3 days. The Old Testament prophets foretold his coming and suffering for the sins of the world. The New Testament gospel writers tell of his life. There is massive proof. If you want info read 2 great theologians: Basic Christianity by John Stott, Knowing God by J.I.Packer and The Apostles’ Creed: Beliefs that Matter by Stuart Briscoe a great modern preacher. Online you can download the little booklet, “Why Jesus” by Nicky Gumbel. But to me, the greatest proof is the change in Jesus’ disciples. From frightened, shivering men, fearing for their lives after Christ’s crucifixion, they became intrepid, fearless preachers starting the early church and being killed for doing so. Since then countless millions have died for their faith and will until our Lord Jesus Christ comes in his glory with a vast crowd of angels and Christians to judge the world. Christianity is no nothing burger, please think again Merle
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January 2025
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